

該請願的理據是,拉莫斯故意把沙拿的手臂挾於腋下,令沙拿脫臼受傷,未能繼續比賽之餘亦將缺席2018年世界盃。(原文:”Sergio Ramos intentionally kept Mohamed Salah’s arm under his armpit, causing dislocation of his shoulder. Not only missing the rest of the game, but also missing the FIFA World Cup 2018.”)

他們同時認為拉莫斯為下一代的球員豎立了壞榜樣,他以不公平的小動作爭勝,沾污了體育精神與公平競賽。(原文:Sergio Ramos represents an awful example to future generations of football players. Instead of winning matches fairly, he uses tricks that defy the spirit of the game and fair play.)


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